Are You A Housing Developer?
At HDF, we partner with multifamily rental and homeownership developers interested in building mixed-income housing throughout Connecticut. Our commercial loan products include competitive financing and multiple term options.
To date, HDF has provided over $56.8 million in financing to developers who have built over 2,000 housing units.

Our Loan Products for Multifamily Developers
HDF offers developers of rental and homeownership units for mixed income households a comprehensive set of fencing options.
- Predevelopment Loans with terms between one and two years.
- Construction Loans with terms up to two years.
- Permanent Loans with terms up to thirty years, including conversion of construction loans.
- Bridge Loans (for committed projects with subsidy sources) with terms up to two years to bridge committed subsidy or permanent financing sources.
- Multifamily Energy Loans to reduce operating and utility costs
Eligible borrowers include experienced nonprofit affordable housing developers, Housing Authorities, and private developers of all sizes. The borrower’s financial condition, collateral, value, project feasibility, and ability to repay are equally important components in the underwriting process.

Types of Projects HDF Finances
HDF finances a variety of multifamily developer lending projects, including both rehabilitation and new construction of mixed-income rental and homeownership units in all types of properties and locations.
Tenants Living in HDF-Financed Properties
Of the tenants living in the HDF-financed properties:
- More than 80% qualify as low-income, including 27% who qualify as very low-income.
- Approximately 68% of the tenants are people of color.
- The majority of the renter households are headed by women.
Learn More About
Building With HDF
Getting Started With HDF
The HDF Commercial Multifamily Lending/Development team can help you determine whether you are eligible for financing. To get the process started…
To get ready for a meeting with our team, please take time to review the eligibility criteria and financing specifications for our loan products. Contact the Commercial Multifamily Lending/Development team to learn more.

Our Partners For Finacing Multifamily Rentals
HDF works with a wide network of banks that support low-income housing in Connecticut. Our partnering banks include: